Local History
This archive pages on each of the following topics;
(Simply click on a title to go to that page.)
Note; Lots more historical information about Elstow can be found on the fascinating Bedford Archives Community Histories pages.
Also on the Institute of Historical Research, London University, website.
Contributions Invited
We are always seeking more documents, event programmes,
photographs, pictures or stories about Elstow. So, if you have anything that
you think might be of interest, do please contact Us.
Recent changes and additions
(Recently added to, or updated, in the History Archives.)
18th December. 1. Information about: Richard le Swann; 2. a pic and information about Sir Lewis Latham; 3. Hellisand all added to the 'People' section of miscellaneous page.
A 'Miscellaneous Facts' section added into The Abbey page
Paragraph about 'Production', and picture of the Grand Slam bomb, added to Elstow Ordinance Factory on Nirex page.
16th November - minor updates on this and various other pages.
9th October - Biography of Sir Humphrey Radcliffe added to the Radcliffe Family page.
29th September - added Parts 1 and 2 of Bunyan's accounts of his imprisonment on Bunyan Family page
25th August - Added Pt1 of Bunyan's account of his arrest and imprisonment to Imprisonment section of Bunyan family page
21st May -New page; Bedfordshire Racecourse created
20th May - All Bunyan Chapel content and History of Education in Elstow moved from Miscellaneous setion to a new page; Chapel & Education. Miscellaneous page tidied up and all the subjects sorted into alphabetical order.
14th May - 1960 Article by Rev'd Hartley added to The Abbey page. Article about Bagshawe added 1950 Restoration section of Moot Hall page
19th April - Article about Elstow Football Club added to Miscellaneous page - Other Asst Pieces section
3rd February - Revised and updated version of download file Abbey History pdf put on The Abbey page
- The short article about the restoration of Moot Hall was updated.
7th Jan on of Moot Hall page. Article added about Bramwell Graham in People section of Miscellaneous page
21st January - poem added to May Festival page
17th December - Video of the Elstow Storage depot site c2005 added to Nirex page Auction or 6 Bunyan's Mead on Misc ellaneous History page.
8th October - More POW and ROF information added plus new information about Women's Land Army camp, added to Nirex Page
6th October - Information about POW camp added to Nirex Page
18 September - Two articles - About Royal Ordnance, Storage depot, Nuclear Waste and Wixams added to Nirex Page
17th September - Information added to the article on Primary and Secondary education - Miscellaneous page.
18th July - Article about Moot acquiring Bedford Gaol doors in History Misc. Article about unveiling Bunyan Birthplace stone
9th April - Some clarifications made to the paragraphs about the origins of the Elstow Bunyans and a new article; 'The Bunyans as landowners' added onto the Bunyan Family page
12th February - Article about Sir Samuel Luke added to 'People' section of Miscellaneous page
1st February - Updated Countess Judith's family tree in 'People' section of Miscellaneous page
12th March - On Bunyan Family page, 'Bunyan's birthplace' section updated & google map added.
21st February - Three newspaper articles re; Bunyan Mead restoration, added to 'Events' section of Miscellaneous page
19th February - New page; "Abbey School" created. Joyce Godber's "John Bunyan of Bedfordshire" added (as 2 pdfs) to John Bunyan Family section of JB page. Page and down-loadble files re-arranged into chronological order and a new 'Imprisonment' section created.
13th February - 2 documents: 'Inns' and 'Names for Elstow' added into 'Other Assorted pieces' on the Miscellaneous page. An article & photo item added into 'Lacemaking' section of Misc page.
12th February - Information added to the text of Bunyan Christian Fellowship article and a copy of BM's 1895 lease of Moot Hall added on the Miscellaneous page.
9th February - Article on the recent history of Bunyan's Mead, added into the 'Buildings' section on Miscellaneous page.
December 24th - "The life of Thomas Dun", 11th century criminal, to Miscellaneous page.
November 23rd - A very interesting article by Ellen Cox, in the People section, on the Miscellaneous page.
November 21st - new section, "Bunyan Memorial Hall /Elstow Christian Fellowship", added to the Miscellanious page
November 10th - Introductory paragraph added, including hyperlinks to webpages about Sir Thomas Keenes and Joseph Graham, to the Restoration of Moot hall. Plus some additional information about The Festival of Britain added to that page and also to the titles at the top of this page.
February 22nd - Booklet "Excavations at Elstow Abbey 1965-70 to The Abbey page
December 29th - a few minor notes and links added to the Miscellaneous page.
November 2nd - "A Story of Elstow" by Joy Cooper-Watson into the Lace-making section on the Miscellaneous page.
August 20th - Bunyan's tomb; information, leaflet and location map added to John Bunyan page
April 18th - images added to foot of Bunyan page
21st October -Ground plans of the Abbey added.
15th October - new and revised documents about Moot Hall restoration and opening added.
September - Added documents about Countess Judith (the founder of Elstow Abbey), her husband the Saxon Earl Waltheof and her family tree.
April - John Bunyan's Birthplace and The Bunyan Trail information moved, to the Bunyan Family page
January 2019- Began building the Elstow Local History Archive.